Top Stack for Scalable Next.js Project

Serhii Kucherenko
5 min readDec 26, 2023


I’ve been developing web apps for over 8 years, and I’ve seen a lot of solutions for various products. On some projects, I coded on Vue; on another, my team used React; sometimes, I saw JavaScript, and sometimes, it was Typescript. Like any self-respecting developer, I created my stack where I collected tools that I’m using from one project to another to achieve 3 important things:

  • Fast developing
  • Flexible and Scalable from the start
  • Easy to understand and follow for other developers.

And it his post, I’m going to share that with you. Let’s get started.

Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

1. Next.js 13 + TypeScript

Since it’s an article about Next.js, the first component is Next.js. I do not like updating my dependencies as soon as a new release is out. I waited almost 6 months after version 13 of Next.js had been released before updating my list. So, stay updated, but wait before you update.

TypeScript is crucial for me. If you don’t know at least basic TS — you’re not a good developer in 2023 (I can forgive only junior and…

